News Article

Agencies from US and EU scrutinizing safety of PVC

European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) publishes investigation into polyvinyl chloride (PVC) resin, additives, microparticles; finds risks from PVC resin are “adequately controlled” but suggests action on additives, particles; US Environmental Protection Agency is investigating vinyl chloride for consideration as a High Priority Substance

News Article

FPF launches webinar series on EU chemicals strategy

First webinar on March 18, 2021, within Food Packaging Forum’s (FPF) webinar series on challenges and opportunities for food contact materials within the EU’s Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability; will feature two expert talks on hazardous chemicals and on a history of safe and sustainable chemistry to support implementation of the strategy; registration open and free

News Article

Study assesses migration from recycled HDPE milk bottles

Paper in Resources, Conservation, and Recycling investigates chemical migration from recycled high-density polyethylene (rHDPE); when recycled milk bottles mixed with non-milk-bottle rHDPE, resulting plastic contaminated with chemicals of concern; rHDPE from well-sorted, decontaminated milk bottles may be clean enough for food contact; octocrylene and octinoxate still migrate at concerning levels, reduction may require further decontamination or changes in manufacturing or legislation

News Article

Bioassay-based analysis of chemicals in paper & cardboard

Scientific study evaluates presence of hazardous chemicals in methanolic extracts from paper and cardboard food contact materials (FCMs) using several bioassays; finds oxidative stress (52%), genotoxicity (100%), impacts on xenobiotic metabolism (74%), antiandrogenic (52%) and antioestrogenic effects (39%); recommends an effect-based approach for hazard identification of food contact chemicals

Events Webinar

Putting the EU Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability into action: Looking forward

Fourth webinar in the Food Packaging Forum’s Spring 2021 series on challenges and opportunities for food contact materials (FCMs) within the EU’s Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability (CSS); presentations focus on implementing the CSS including how to deal with complexity and improve EU FCM regulation