News Article

What happens to micro- and nanoplastics in the body?

Study proposes a preliminary physiologically-based toxicokinetic (PBTK) model for micro- and nanoplastics (MNPs); polymer type, size, shape, surface chemistry, surface biofilms, and biocorona determine toxicokinetic rates; models for engineered nanoparticles are not appropriate due to heterogeneity of MNPs; uptake via inhalation and effects of absorbed chemicals need more investigation

News Article

Campaign detects mineral oil hydrocarbons in European food products

Foodwatch publishes test results of 152 food products sampled across Europe; finds mineral oil aromatic hydrocarbons (MOAH) in 12% of them at levels up to 82 mg/kg food; petition calls for EU leaders to recall contaminated products and implement a zero-tolerance rule prohibiting any detectable level in all foods

News Article

Bio Suisse integrates chemical migration scoring

New framework scores 73 food packaging items for seven food and beverage types regarding their potential chemical migration; approach based on Food Packaging Forum databases, expert survey, general food-packaging interactions; results integrated in Bio Suisse packaging fact sheets

News Article

UNEP reports assess impacts of global plastic pollution, potential solutions

Two publications from the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) provide overview and assessment of global challenges related to marine litter and plastic waste; include set of infographics summarizing key thematic areas; book chapter proposes organizing diverse problem formulations and potential solutions to plastic pollution into a conceptual framework, considers necessary value judgments and world views

Events Webinar

Putting the EU Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability into action: Setting the scene

First webinar within Food Packaging Forum’s Spring 2021 webinar series on challenges and opportunities for food contact materials within the EU’s Chemicals Strategy for Sustainability; features two expert talks on hazardous chemicals and a history of safe and sustainable chemistry to support implementation of the strategy