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Report critically reviews socioeconomic assessments

New Economics Foundation publishes report investigating use of discount rates in socioeconomic assessments for industrial chemicals regulations under REACH; recommends considering precautionary principle regardless of economic effects, questions whether effects should be monetized

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Update: More US states now ban PFAS in food packaging

Connecticut, Vermont, and Minnesota join set of US states that ban use of PFAS in food packaging; Vermont ban also implements a procedure for considering phase-out of bisphenols in food packaging; Minnesota bill funds study to find which products within the state contain PFAS; Governor of New Mexico call on US Environmental Protection Agency to list PFAS as hazardous waste

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2023 FPF Workshop: Assessing and implementing safe and sustainable FCMs

In the afternoon of the Food Packaging Forum’s 11th annual workshop, speakers shared businesses experiences on the path towards more safe and sustainable food packaging; five talks and one panel discussion present opportunities, challenges, and case studies; representatives from several large international businesses shared approaches their organizations use to respond to safety and sustainability challenges; reusable packaging founders discuss the unique issues of changing the food packaging field

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EFSA publishes final opinion and protocol for phthalates in FCMs

European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) publishes final scientific opinion on prioritization of phthalates used in food contact materials (FCMs), protocol for dietary exposure assessment of prioritized substances; documents remain largely the same as the drafts with addition of a few substances and more clarity on the prioritization process; EFSA calls for information on migration of phthalates and other plasticizers in FCMs, input being accepted from June 1 to November 1, 2022