News Article

Scientists explore international bisphenol levels in packaging, food, and urine

Four studies investigate bisphenol (BP) migration from packaging, occurrence in foodstuff, and human urine; report BPA migration from Nigerian epoxy-coated cans into malt drinks; detect four bisphenols in packaged water and honey samples; find BPS in Canadian meat products from 2008 to 2020 suggesting BPS is not a recent phenomenon; measure higher bisphenol alternative levels in Belgian population in 2018 than 2015

News Article

Phthalates found in diverse array of foods, from coffee to baby formula

Systematic review summarizes phthalate occurrence in different foods, discusses sources, and potential risk; researchers assess how coffee packaging and brewing method affects bis(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) and di-butyl phthalate (DBP) levels in coffee; perform targeted analysis of 245 plastic additives in baby foods; report widespread contamination including a median of 46.1 ng phthalate esters per gram baby food

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Microplastics impacts on the reproductive system and offspring

Scientists report human-relevant polystyrene (PS) microplastic concentrations change mice placental metabolism; show nanoplastics have variable effects on placental enzymes using simulations; find pre- and postnatal PS microplastic exposure affects male mice testis development and fertility; recommend future research to analyze multigenerational effects