News Article

Scientific consensus on metabolic disruptors

New Parma consensus statement recommends using new term «metabolic disruptors» instead of «obesogens», shows areas of scientific agreement and uncertainty, discusses research needs on chemicals that cause obesity, diabetes and related metabolic disorders

News Article

Walmart removes 8 chemicals of concern from products

U.S. retailer Walmart names 8 high priority chemicals its suppliers must phase out and find alternatives for; list includes among others formaldehyde, phthalates, nonylphenol exthoxylates, and parabens

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NGO alliance calls on US FDA to update regulations

NGOs in the United States including Breast Cancer Prevention Partners, Earth Justice, and the Environmental Defense Fund, launch campaign calling on the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to update its rules about chemicals present in food packaging; new campaign targets heavy metals, PFAS, phthalates, and perchlorate

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Half of tested dollar store products contain chemicals of concern

The Ecology Center and the Campaign for Healthier Solutions find 53% of 226 tested products from US and Canadian dollar stores contain one or more chemicals of concern; PFAS in 100% of microwave popcorn, some pans and cookware; banned phthalates in PVC products