News Article

European court annuls previous decision to identify TiO2 as carcinogenic

Court of Justice of the European Union reverses earlier court ruling identifying titanium dioxide (TiO2) as a carcinogen via inhalation; finds Risk Assessment Committee did not consider all necessary factors and criteria for having intrinsic hazard not met; legal institutions now responsible for addressing changes needed to adapt to court’s decision

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Minderoo Foundation systematically maps human health effects from plastic-associated chemicals

Interactive and openly available, the Plastic Health Map summarizes human health outcomes of certain plastic-associated chemicals and particles as published by peer-review articles between 1960 and 2021; includes more than 3500 studies for 1557 chemicals; identifies gaps, including only 30% of chemicals have been investigated for health impacts, few studies in low-income countries

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NGOs petition US FDA to ban PFAS in food packaging

NGOs in the United States including the Environmental Defense Fund, Center for Food Safety, Breast Cancer Prevention Partners, and the League of Conservation Voters, send petition to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) calling on the agency to ban all PFAS in food packaging; US Representative Dingell plans to introduce legislation banning PFAS to US House of Representatives