News Article

Mixed reactions as UN concludes fourth round of INC plastics treaty negotiations

Fourth round of negotiations for a new global instrument on plastic pollution took place in Ottawa, Canada from April 23 – 29, 2024; member states agree on intersessional work to be carried out on financial mechanisms and chemicals of concern ahead of upcoming final session; no agreement on reducing primary plastic production; concerns raised over industry lobbyists outnumbering scientists and many national delegations; final INC-5 meeting set to take place in Busan, Republic of Korea on November 25 – December 1, 2024

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Toxicological and chemical profiling of plastic migrates

Scientific study investigates in vitro toxicity and composition of chemical mixtures migrating from everyday plastic products made of eight polymer types; demonstrates that thousands of chemicals can leach under realistic use conditions, including compounds toxic in vitro that contribute to human exposure; emphasizes the importance to rethink and redesign plastics to achieve safe materials

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FPF Workshop 2020: FPF year in review

Martin Scheringer reviews the Food Packaging Forum’s work in 2020; discusses scientific consensus statement on food contact chemicals (FCCs) and health, ongoing projects aiming to understand contribution of FCC exposure to chronic diseases of public health concern