News Article

FPF comments on FCCs under review for REACH Candidate List

European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) is reviewing five food contact chemicals (FCCs) for possible inclusion on the REACH Candidate List of SVHCs; Food Packaging Forum (FPF) shares information on where the FCCs have been measured in food contact; two are on the EU positive list for chemicals in plastic food contact materials; FCCs under consideration for SVHC status and allowed in FCMs highlights need to create stronger connection between FCM regulation and REACH

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Microplastics measured in human blood and mouse brains

First human biomonitoring study encounters plastic particles of four different polymer types in human blood; in vivo study reports polystyrene nanoparticles pass blood-brain barrier and induce neurotoxicity in mice; review summarizes plastic particle and titanium dioxide impacts on human gut epithelial integrity, gut homeostasis, and intestinal inflammation

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New enzyme system for faster PET degradation

Researchers announce creation of enzyme technology allowing to degrade polyethylene terephthalate plastics at room temperature in a laboratory setting; industrial scale up foreseen as possible within several years

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How to group PFAS? Expert panel finds no single answer

Panel of 12 experts in the fields of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) chemistry and toxicology, general mixtures risk assessment and toxicokinetics participate in series of blind surveys; experts representing academia, regulators, and consultants; discuss how to group PFAS