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Experts question US FDA’s safety assessment of recycled plastics

Environmental Health News reports on process to approve recycled plastic products for food contact; researchers quoted in the article argue that the approach is insufficient; more thorough testing and safety assessments needed

US FDA developing post-market assessment process for chemicals in food

U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) developing assessment process for chemicals already on the market; covers food and color additives, generally recognized as safe (GRAS) substances, food contact chemicals, and non-intentionally added substances; process will be structured based on risk, divided into ‘focused’ and ‘comprehensive’ assessments; informational meeting on the proposal September 25, 2024; public comment period until December 6, 2024

Recent studies show that MNPs can negatively impact reproductive health

Studies confirm micro- and nanoplastics (MNPs) in human endometrial tissue, amniotic fluid, placentas, and feces of pregnant people; MNP presence in the endometrium is linked with recurrent miscarriages in humans, apoptosis in organoids, and reduced fertility in mice; higher MNPs exposure from seafood and bottled water consumption

Companies lack effective strategies to combat plastic pollution, report finds

Report by the World Benchmarking Alliance assesses companies’ measures to protect the environment; many companies do not follow through on commitments; finds lack of action to reduce plastic waste

Updated safety guidelines for metals used in food contact

European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines & HealthCare updates guidance document on metals and alloys used for food contact; sets updated Specific Release Limits; assesses safety of various metals based on scientific evidence; emphasizes need for collaboration between stakeholders to minimize health risks from released substances

Thailand adopts standard for assessing footprint of biobased plastics

Thai Industrial Standards Institute adopts international standard for undertaking life cycle assessments of biobased plastics

U.S. FDA launches webpage on micro- and nanoplastics in food

Provides general information on micro- and nanoplastics (MNPs); claims there is no evidence showing health risks; comments on lack of standardized methods for detecting, quantifying, and characterizing MNPs

Jamaica bans importation of many single-use plastic food containers

4th phase of Jamaica’s single-use plastics ban now in effect; no importation of single-use food containers made with PE, PP, PLA, or expanded PS; also covers plastic drinking straws; food service providers have until January 9, 2025, to use up existing stock

Food Packaging & Health

Regrettable substitution & the precautionary principle

When chemicals are assessed and regulated individually, the ones found…

Plastic recycling

Plastic recycling processes, regulations, market data and safety issues addressed


Rapid and cost-effective non-animal-based in vitro bioassays can be used…

Circular economy

A circular economy seeks to maintain the value of products…


Microplastics are an invisible form of plastic pollution; effects on…

Migration modeling

Mathematical modeling of chemical migration from food packaging into food…

Non-intentionally added substances (NIAS)

NIAS occur in all types of food contact materials, are…

Mineral oil hydrocarbons

Mineral oil hydrocarbons (MOHs) are commonly measured in food and…

Upcoming Events

Upcoming events including conferences, workshops, meetings, and trainings related to food packaging and health. See all


FPF dossiers are thoroughly researched by trained scientists. They provide in-depth background information about different topics pertinent to food contact materials and health. The dossiers compile scientific knowledge, market data and regulatory background in an easily accessible format. Dossiers include available data on chemical migration into food and effects on human health.

The Food Packaging Forum Foundation

The Food Packaging Forum Foundation (FPF) is a science communication organization. It is a charitable foundation based in Zurich, Switzerland. FPF provides independent and balanced information on issues related to chemicals in food packaging and other food contact articles, and their impact on health. FPF’s work addresses professional stakeholders, including business decision makers, regulators, scientists, media and communication experts. FPF is not a grantmaking foundation.

Fact sheet

Food packaging and human health

Food packaging is highly essential for protecting and handling food from farm to fork. However, packaging and other types of food contact articles are also a source of chemical contamination of food. The Food Packaging Forum’s fact sheet explains the most important aspects and provides resources for reducing chemical exposures.


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