News Article

Nanoparticles released by quasi-ceramic pans

Scientists measure release of titanium dioxide particles from non-stick surfaces of quasi-ceramic frying pans; find considerable migration of both ions and particles, partially in nanoform; acidic simulants and scratching accelerate migration

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Alternative food can linings

Campbell Soup Company introduces can linings made from acrylic or polyester containing no BPA; transition to non-BPA cans to be completed by mid 2017

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Reusable food packaging and novel coronavirus

UPSTREAM encourages consumers to continue using reusable items with regular washing using soap, expects zero-waste efforts and bring-your-own container programs to further gain momentum after pandemic ends; expanded business models needed to promote sanitizing and reusing packaging

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NIAS in laminated bioplastics

Study investigates composition of biodegradable adhesive and chemical migration from bioplastics laminates, identifies several NIAS, shows importance for migration testing of finished material

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Food contact related European food alerts in 2012

2012 report on European rapid alerts of enforcement authorities shows slightly less food contact related notifications compared to 2011, Chinese imports of particular concern