News Article

Minderoo Foundation systematically maps human health effects from plastic-associated chemicals

Interactive and openly available, the Plastic Health Map summarizes human health outcomes of certain plastic-associated chemicals and particles as published by peer-review articles between 1960 and 2021; includes more than 3500 studies for 1557 chemicals; identifies gaps, including only 30% of chemicals have been investigated for health impacts, few studies in low-income countries

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FPF improves usability of brand and retailer initiatives database

Food Packaging Forum (FPF) updates global database of initiatives and commitments by food brands and retailers concerning food packaging safety and sustainability; database now presented as an interactive dashboard searchable by company name, type of organization, location, keywords, and date; currently contains nearly 600 actions pledged or undertaken by over 320 companies

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Phthalates: impact on leiomyoma growth and mixture risk

Study identifies mono(2-ethyl-5-hydroxyhexyl) phthalate (MEHHP) exposure as high-risk factor for leiomyoma growth on epidemiological and mechanistic level; European biomonitoring of five reprotoxic phthalates demonstrates necessity to integrate mixture risk assessment into regulatory practice; targeted analysis shows migration of five phthalates from polypropylene food packaging

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Guidance document for PMT/vPvM substances

German Environment Agency (UBA) provides updated guidelines for identifying substances that are persistent, mobile, and toxic (PMT) or very persistent and very mobile (vPvM); finds 260 REACH registered substances meet set criteria, prioritizes 122 for further investigation

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FPF publishes food contact chemicals database

Researchers led by the Food Packaging Forum (FPF) publish new database identifying over 12,200 distinct chemicals that could be used in manufacture of food contact materials and articles; 29% lacking openly accessible toxicity data; 608 identified as most hazardous, prioritized for substitution; published study and database freely accessible