News Article

ACC challenges listing DINP under Proposition 65

American Chemistry Council (ACC) submits petition to California’s supreme court challenging listing of diisononyl phthalate (DINP); highest court has at least 60 days to decide on petition and make final ruling

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Organizations sue US FDA over failure to react on phthalates in FCMs

Earthjustice files case in a federal court on behalf of eight civil society organizations; calls on US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to come to a final decision on a petition filed in 2016 within 60 days; petition argues safe use of phthalates can no longer be proven and calls for a ban in all food contact materials (FCMs)

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FPF Workshop 2020: FPF year in review

Martin Scheringer reviews the Food Packaging Forum’s work in 2020; discusses scientific consensus statement on food contact chemicals (FCCs) and health, ongoing projects aiming to understand contribution of FCC exposure to chronic diseases of public health concern

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New database on harmful effects of chemicals

National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark, and Danish Environmental Protection Agency launch database containing over 600,000 chemical structures and (Q)SAR data on potential associated harmful effects