News Article

NIAS migration from plastic wine corks

Scientific study uses non-targeted chemical analysis to provide an overview of chemicals migrating from 8 wine corks made of ethylene-vinyl acetate; identifies 50 compounds, 84% non-intentionally added substances (NIAS); finds one cork not suitable as food contact material

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China approves new and expanded usage of FCMs

Law firm Keller and Heckman publishes a summary of China’s recently approved uses of 19 materials and substances for food contact; includes three new food contact chemicals (FCCs), seven new resins, and expanded usage of nine other materials; three substances are in the Food Packaging Forum’s food contact chemicals database as either a priority hazardous substance or substance of potential concern

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Survey reveals Asian consumers’ concerns on packaging sustainability

Consultancy McKinsey & Company presents results from survey on consumers’ attitudes towards packaging and concerns around sustainability in ten emerging markets; finds greatest consumer concern in China, India and Indonesia; suggests as first action to decrease packaging complexity, reduce unnecessary packaging, exchange multi- with mono-layer materials

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Recommendations on implementation of EPR

Upstream publishes overview article discussing Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) for packaging, sees recent improvements; views EPR as foundation of circular economy and calls for EPR policies to also focus on developing new reuse/refill systems, include targets for litter prevention and mitigation; advocates for binding reuse targets similar to EU’s recycling targets to create conditions for businesses to safely invest in upscaling reuse

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EC roadmap outlines plans to reduce packaging waste

European Commission (EC) publishes roadmap document describing initiative to review and revise EU requirements on packaging and packaging waste; impact assessment set to be completed in 2020, revisions to be adopted in 2021; open for public comment until August 6, 2020

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Microplastics may affect the human microbiome

Scientists explore potential impacts of microplastics on human intestine ecology; microplastics may drive unhealthy changes in the gut microbiome; authors highlight importance of assessing human microplastics exposure and hazards for the gut

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Germany announces intention to restrict bisphenols

Restriction intention submitted to European Chemicals Agency (ECHA); aims to limit bisphenol A (BPA) and structurally similar bisphenols to maximum concentration of 0.02% by weight as additives, residues, and in mixtures; stakeholders invited to submit relevant information; proposal to be finalized in October 2021