News Article

Effective plastics treaty needs to include investments in reduce, reuse, and redesign, scientists highlight

Reveal financial disbalance in Zero Draft to favor recycling over reduction, redesign, and reuse; prone to result in even more plastic waste generation; call for finance shift towards upstream, midstream solutions such as clear and strong extended producer responsibility obligations in the global plastics treaty

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NRDC: Most chemically ‘recycled’ plastics in the US are ultimately burned

Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) evaluates eight chemical recycling facilities in the United States; reports that ‘recycled’ material produced by at least five facilities ultimately gets burned for heat or energy production; six facilities are potentially permitted to release hazardous air pollutants such as benzene, styrene, and arsenic; two US states ease restrictions on chemical recycling facilities

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EFSA working group updates in November 2020 to March 2021

Minutes from recent meetings of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) CEP panel and working groups on bisphenol A (BPA), food contact materials (FCMs), recycling plastics, and phthalates published; groups continue discussions and revisions of draft opinions; new working group on re-evaluation of phthalates and structurally similar substances in FCMs launched

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State of the science and regulation – microplastics and nanoplastics

California State Policy Evidence Consortium and DG Environment publish reports on the abundance, health effects and (potential) regulations on microplastics and nanoplastics, respectively; first finds most regulations come from California or EU and concern banning microbeads or mandating more research; second argues against a lower size cutoff of nanoplastics since the smaller the plastic particles, the more likely they can cross biological membranes

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Dietary intake of BPA in the US

New study estimates BPA intake of US adults via diet, canned vegetables are a major contributor to exposure

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BFFP: 13 key investments to combat plastic pollution

Break Free From Plastic (BFFP) recommends 13 key investments for US federal action; includes funding for multi re-use facility infrastructure, Environmental Protection Agency , research, government, and educational institutions; discourages further investments in chemical recycling, waste-to-energy/fuel technologies, carbon sequestration, downcycling, production, distribution and export of plastics