News Article

Review on food contamination

Scientific article summarizes sources of chemical contamination during food production, transport, storage, and processing

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Comment on EU CLP revision and proposed SVHCs

European Commission publishes draft amendment to the EU’s Classification, Labeling, and Packaging Regulation (CLP); adds classification of endocrine disrupting chemicals and adopts hazard classes from REACH; comment period until October 18, 2022; European Chemicals Agency proposes classifying 9 chemicals as substances of very high concern (SVHCs) including bisphenol S and melamine; comment period until October 17, 2022

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WSJ: attitudes towards single-use plastic changing in home kitchens

Wall Street Journal (WSJ) article discusses changing attitudes towards plastic in home kitchens; outlines the relatively recent history of plastic in the kitchen and recent cultural shifts towards using more reusable materials for storing and transporting food; FPF compares different reusable options, consumers encouraged to not forget about chemical migration and impacts on human health

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Scientists present and apply spectral database on plastic additives

Researchers develop high-resolution spectral database and method for the identification of 56 selected organic plastic additives; indicates presence of multiple additives when applied to polypropylene and polylactic acid food packaging; highlight chemical signature not polymer but product dependent and “bioplastic” just as conventional plastics contain harmful additives

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The Guardian investigates PFAS in blood, food packaging, and cookware

Journalist from The Guardian tests household items and his own blood for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) contamination in partnership with the University of Notre Dame and the Silent Spring Institute; analysis confirms presence of four types of PFAS in blood serum, 15 household products, food packaging and cookware; identified substances include perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), perfluorohexane-1-sulphonic acid (PFHxS)

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Article on trending phase out of PFAS in food packaging

Chemical Watch investigates trend of US states and retailers to phase out use of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in food packaging; non-governmental organizations expect increasing momentum while PFAS manufacturers defends performance and safety of applications

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New Zealand symposium on food safety

First session of the New Zealand Food Safety Science & Research Centre annual symposium is a webinar on chemical contaminants in food; presentation on New Zealand-wide project to study impacts of microplastics on human health and natural resources; new project developing guidelines to help food industry navigate the use of food packaging containing recycled material

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EU policymakers push to address PPWR sticking points during final negotiations

Looming March 4th deadline pressures EU institutions to find agreement on open points within the draft Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulation (PPWR); steering note from Belgian presidency calls for compromises, highlights key topics; stakeholders express concerns over draft regulation’s lightweighting of materials, requirement for closed loop recycling processes, and handling of chemical safety