News Article

EDCs and manufacturing doubt

Prominent EDC researchers publish rebuttal to critique of WHO/UNEP State of the Science 2012 report, accuse industry-funded scientists to deliberately confuse non-experts to delay regulatory action

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2023 FPF Workshop: Assessing and implementing safe and sustainable FCMs

In the afternoon of the Food Packaging Forum’s 11th annual workshop, speakers shared businesses experiences on the path towards more safe and sustainable food packaging; five talks and one panel discussion present opportunities, challenges, and case studies; representatives from several large international businesses shared approaches their organizations use to respond to safety and sustainability challenges; reusable packaging founders discuss the unique issues of changing the food packaging field

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Microplastics in humans: current knowledge and potential implications

Review summarizes microplastics abundance and characteristics in human biological samples including current research approaches employed, challenges, and prospects; study indicates microplastics impact human meconium and placenta microbiota; review outlines current evidence on microplastic effects upon exposure during early developmental stage

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Scientists propose basis for managing PFAS as single class

International group of scientists publish peer-reviewed article presenting arguments for managing all per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) as a single chemical class; recommend allowing only essential uses, applying class-based approach for clean up efforts, setting exposure limits for all PFASs instead of for individual chemicals