News Article

Review investigates challenges of assessing NIAS in plastic FCMs

Literature review summarizes challenges regarding non-intentionally added substances (NIAS) in plastic food contact materials (FCMs); describes 52 studies with their applied methodologies for NIAS extraction and identification, plastic types analyzed, and NIAS detected; highlights NIAS assessment as a challenge for scientific community and industry due to lack of hazard data, a missing harmonized methodology, and outdated regulatory guidelines

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European Commission publishes bisphenol restriction proposal for FCMs

European Commission proposes ban on bisphenol A in food contact with a 36-month transition period for varnishes, coatings and professional production equipment, 18 months for most everything else; monitoring of unintentional BPA in recycled paper and board proposed to be left to business operators; submit comments until March 8, 2024

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Report questions viability and environmental benefits of plastic chemical recycling

Report commissioned by the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) reviews chemical recycling of plastic waste; finds the technical feasibility, environmental benefits, and economic viability of the technology are not sufficiently demonstrated; excessive subsidies or investments may lock-in environmentally unfavorable processes and infrastructure

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First proposals put forward for global treaty to end plastic pollution

Countries are submitting proposals to the UN Environment Program to guide Plastics Treaty development; US proposes treaty focus on downstream effects – reuse and recycling; proposal from 40-nation ‘high ambition coalition’ proposes setting up limits on polymer production, eliminating certain polymers and products; over 60 proposals received so far; stakeholder registration is open for the next negotiating meeting for the Plastics Treaty in Paris, France in May 2023