News Article

BPA and PVC in U.S. food can coatings

New survey of food cans purchased from 4 U.S. retailers finds 33-52% to still contain bisphenol A, 17-25% contain polyvinylchloride; NGOs call on retailers and food brands to remove BPA and ensure safety of alternatives

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Melamine migration from bamboo tableware in China

Study explores the migration of melamine, a suspected carcinogen, and its derivatives from tableware made with melamine-formaldehyde resin or melamine combined with bamboo or wheat straw, purchased in China; 35% of bamboo tableware samples exceeded China’s specific migration limit for melamine; many melamine-based products are marketed to children

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Petition calls for US FDA to consider cumulative effects

Coalition requests US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to follow its own mandate to consider cumulative effects of chemicals present during safety assessments; covers chemicals directly added to food, substances migrating from food packaging, substances generally recognized as safe (GRAS); finds only 1 of 877 existing GRAS notifications adhered to requirement