News Article

European Commission hosts workshop to contribute to substitution planning

Report from workshop on “strengthening the role of substitution planning” finds consensus and sticking points on road to REACH revision; broad consensus that industry should be responsible for creating the substitution plans but disagreements on how to assess the plan and monitor implementation; study on substitution planning to be published by the end of 2024

News Article

ENVI committee adopts resolution on chemicals strategy

Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) Committee of European Parliament passes resolution calling for upcoming chemicals strategy to fully apply precautionary and polluter-pays principles; resulting legislation should address and minimize endocrine disrupting and other hazardous chemicals in products including food packaging and recycled materials

News Article

Chemical Hazard Data Commons

U.S. NGO Healthy Building Network launches free online resource Chemical Hazard Data Commons aggregating hazard determinations for over 85 000 substances, aimed to facilitate substitution of hazardous chemicals

News Article

EC publishes working documents on EDC fitness check

European Commission (EC) publishes set of staff working documents detailing outcomes of the fitness check on endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs); recommends simplifications, moving towards single assessment approach, applying data generated within other legislation to food contact materials, considering mixtures

News Article

FPF comments on EU’s Circular Economy roadmap

The Food Packaging Forum shared its perspective on the European Commission’s roadmap for the Circular Economy Action Plan; key consideration should be given to chemical safety in reused, recycled and biodegradable materials especially if intended for food contact

News Article

European Commission publishes bisphenol restriction proposal for FCMs

European Commission proposes ban on bisphenol A in food contact with a 36-month transition period for varnishes, coatings and professional production equipment, 18 months for most everything else; monitoring of unintentional BPA in recycled paper and board proposed to be left to business operators; submit comments until March 8, 2024

Events 2013 Workshop

Threshold of Toxicological Concern (TTC) for risk assessment of food contact material chemicals

The Threshold of Toxicological Concern, short TTC, is a concept for assessing the risk of single chemical exposure to human health. It establishes generic exposure thresholds based on chemical structure below which chemicals are assumed to be safely used. In the absence of toxicological data, regulators, academic scientists and industry experts are using the TTC to perform chemical risk assessments. On October 17, 2013 the Food Packaging Forum held a workshop offering a platform for balanced information and scientific debate […]