News Article

Retailer initiative, Hollywood film draw attention to PFAS pollution

Fashion retailer H&M and Danish retailer Coop join ChemSec initiative calling for phase-out of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) from products and supply chains; Belgian premier of film ‘Dark Waters’ includes panel debate in European Parliament with director and lead actor

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Melamine migration above EU limits in some children’s cups

Danish Consumer Council reports melamine migration from five of eight tested children’s cups are above legal limits; migration tests undertaken after cups were washed 20 times and filled with a hot drink to simulate use; melamine classified as possibly carcinogenic to humans in the EU

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Measuring trade-offs between packaging waste and food waste

Australian Fight Food Waste Cooperative Research Center surveys consumer perceptions of packaging’s role in encouraging or preventing food waste; United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) breaks down results from 33 life cycle analyses comparing packaging and food waste; makes structured recommendations for when packaging or food waste costs are higher based on food type, consumer and regulatory support, and strength of local waste management systems

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More eco-friendly takeaway containers

Bangkok Post informs about a community campaign encouraging food vendors in Bangkok to use bio-based, biodegradable food containers instead of styrofoam and other plastic packaging