News Article

US EPA reissues PFBS risk assessment  

US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA) reissues risk assessment on perfluorobutane sulfonic acid (PFBS); sets reference doses for chronic exposure of 0.0003 mg/kg body weight/day and sub-chronic exposures of 0.001 mg/kg body weight/day

News Article

Marketplace for chemical alternatives

Non-profit organization ChemSec launches new online resource aimed to facilitate advertising and finding commercially available substitutes to hazardous substances

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Phthalates in vinyl gloves

Study by NGO Ecology Center finds ortho-phthalates in vinyl gloves used to handle food, urges use of alternatives such as washed bare hands, polyethylene or nitrile gloves

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BPA linked to miscarriages

Higher risk of miscarriage in women highly exposed to BPA; lead author advises pregnant women to avoid BPA exposure