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Special issue on EDCs and behavior

Special issue of peer-reviewed journal Hormones and Behavior focuses on endocrine disrupting chemicals’ effects on behavior; articles address molecular mechanisms, animal studies and epidemiological observations, discuss specific chemicals including BPA, triclosan, PBDEs, PFASs

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Food contact chemicals among 921 substances tied to breast cancer risk

Researchers expand list of known substances with characteristics linked to breast cancer by more than four-fold; many are in standard consumer products, including 189 in food contact according to FPF’s database on migrating and extractable food contact chemicals (FCCmigex); authors call for improved hazard identification methods, advocate for more comprehensive chemical testing, especially focusing on the mammary gland and broader range of chemicals

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Assessing the circularity of single-use glass

Zero Waste Europe and Eunomia investigate the circularity of single-use container glass in Germany, France, the UK and US; Germany has the highest collection rates for glass and the highest proportion of recycled glass in containers; US is the lowest due to lack of collection facilities and mixed collection of glass with other packaging types; collecting glass separately and by color is the most effective way to increase circularity

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UNEP reports assess impacts of global plastic pollution, potential solutions

Two publications from the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) provide overview and assessment of global challenges related to marine litter and plastic waste; include set of infographics summarizing key thematic areas; book chapter proposes organizing diverse problem formulations and potential solutions to plastic pollution into a conceptual framework, considers necessary value judgments and world views

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Report focuses on plastics, EDCs, and health

Guide developed by Endocrine Society and International Pollutants Elimination Network (IPEN) informs public interest organizations and policy-makers about presence of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) in plastics; explains impacts of EDCs on human health, considers economic dimension

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EPR regulations expanded in Canada and US

Canadian province of Ontario expands extended producer responsibility (EPR) scheme for paper packaging from covering half of recycling cost to full cost by 2023; adds single-use food packaging to program; legislatures in US states of Maine and Oregon pass EPR legislation that includes food packaging; governors of both states need to sign for bills to become law

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Contaminants migrate from pipes into drinking water worldwide

Review summarizes the scientific knowledge on five groups of contaminants migrating from drinking water distribution systems into tap water; reports microplastics, bisphenol A (BPA), phthalates, nonylphenol (NP), per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) detected in tap water and may stem from pipes and reservoirs; finds pipe material type largely influences contaminant migration

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FPF comments on FCCs under review for REACH Candidate List

European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) is reviewing five food contact chemicals (FCCs) for possible inclusion on the REACH Candidate List of SVHCs; Food Packaging Forum (FPF) shares information on where the FCCs have been measured in food contact; two are on the EU positive list for chemicals in plastic food contact materials; FCCs under consideration for SVHC status and allowed in FCMs highlights need to create stronger connection between FCM regulation and REACH