News Article

Endocrine disruption and the next generation of chemicals

Chemists, toxicologists collaborate to develop safer chemicals by compiling a Tiered Protocol for Endocrine Disruption (TiPED) testing, published in the Green Chemistry journal. Their goal is to eliminate the hazard of endocrine disruption, rather than attempting to control exposures as current approaches do. Certainty on absence of endocrine disruption currently can only be achieved with whole organism experiments, according to the authors.

News Article

Le Monde and EHN scrutinize science and authors behind recent EDC editorial

Published editorial argues exposure to synthetic endocrine disrupting chemicals ’generally negligible’; Le Monde criticizes editorial’s 19 authors’ lack of scientific expertise on EDCs, citation of outdated studies, duplicate publication in eight different journals, undeclared conflicts of interest; EHN article dubs editorial ‘unethical attempt to foster the views of the chemical industry at the expense of human health’