News Article

Analysis of chemically non-compliant products

European Chemical Industry Council (Cefic) analyzes European RAPEX database on non-food products, finds 92% of tested and non-compliant REACH chemicals found in products were imported from outside of Europe; calls for improved enforcement and tools

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JRC Symposium compares microplastic analysis methods

European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JRC) symposium summarizes current approaches for microplastic monitoring; research institutions present results of 4 inter-laboratory microplastic analysis comparison studies; no ‘one-size-fits-all’ analytical method, presenters emphasize need for harmonization; Commission outlines policy needs

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Report outlines how plastic production harms human health, environment, economy

Minderoo-Monaco Commission on Plastics and Human Health publishes extensive report summarizing plastics’ effects across life cycle on human health, environment, and the economy; health effects cost society hundreds of billions every year; report includes actions for “governments and industries to minimize the negative consequences of global plastic contamination”

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Growing concerns around industry lobbying in the EU

European Parliament opening internal investigation into lobbyist conduct related to the packaging and packaging waste regulation; civil society organization Corporate Europe Observatory publishes report of industry arguments made to DG Grow and DG Environment about the essential use concept

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Survey reveals Asian consumers’ concerns on packaging sustainability

Consultancy McKinsey & Company presents results from survey on consumers’ attitudes towards packaging and concerns around sustainability in ten emerging markets; finds greatest consumer concern in China, India and Indonesia; suggests as first action to decrease packaging complexity, reduce unnecessary packaging, exchange multi- with mono-layer materials

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EEB analysis critical of ECHA microplastics restriction

European Environmental Bureau (EEB) disapproves of updates the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) made to its restriction proposal for microplastics in consumer and professional products; criticizes increase in microplastic size limit to 100 nm; ECHA defends changes, argues that regulation must be enforceable, cites lacking analytical techniques