News Article

Review of technologies for PHA production

Scientists review three main routes for polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) production, including microbiological, enzymatic, chemical; microbiological and chemical routes most favorable for scaling-up; remaining high costs compared to fossil-based plastics necessitate search for cheaper feedstocks, optimization of production efficiencies

News Article

BPA absorption in the mouth

Scientists compare internal levels and metabolism of BPA after gavage or diet administration; demonstrate significant buccal absorption of BPA from solid foods

News Article

No packaging – no waste?

New York Times article reports on grocery stores offering only bulk produce to engage consumers in weighing and measuring the quantities they buy and reduce packaging waste

News Article

EDCs and manufacturing doubt

Prominent EDC researchers publish rebuttal to critique of WHO/UNEP State of the Science 2012 report, accuse industry-funded scientists to deliberately confuse non-experts to delay regulatory action

News Article

Bisphenol S

Bisphenol S is used as a substitute of BPA in food contact materials, in a new context article the Food Packaging Forum reports on applications, toxicity, exposure and regulation of BPS