News Article

Chemicals change gut microbiome in children

Study in Environmental Science Technology Letters investigates presence of semi-volatile organic chemicals (SVOCs) and associated changes in microbiome of 79 children with 43 SVOC biomarkers detected; study includes phthalates, phenols, per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS); less abundant microbes replaced due to higher sensitivity to chemicals, increased abundance of dehalogenation bacteria observed; more extensive studies needed to verify results and understand human health implications

News Article

Comment on EU CLP revision and proposed SVHCs

European Commission publishes draft amendment to the EU’s Classification, Labeling, and Packaging Regulation (CLP); adds classification of endocrine disrupting chemicals and adopts hazard classes from REACH; comment period until October 18, 2022; European Chemicals Agency proposes classifying 9 chemicals as substances of very high concern (SVHCs) including bisphenol S and melamine; comment period until October 17, 2022

Publication Peer-reviewed papers

The NORMAN Suspect List Exchange (NORMAN-SLE): facilitating European and worldwide collaboration on suspect screening in high resolution mass spectrometry

Taha H.M., Aalizadeh R., Alygizakis N., Antignac J.P., Arp H.P.H., Bade R., Baker N., Belova L., Bijlsma L., Bolton E.E., Brack W., Celma A., Chen W.L., Cheng T.J., Chirsir P., Cirka L., D'Agostino L.A., Feunang Y.D., Dulio V., Fischer S., Gago-Ferrero P., Galani A., Geueke B., Glowacka N., Gluge J., Groh K., Grosse S., Haglund P., Hakkinen P.J., Hale S.E., Hernandez F., Janssen E.M.L., Jonkers T., Kiefer K., Kirchner M., Koschorreck J., Krauss M., Krier J., Lamoree M.H., Letzel M., Letzel T., Li Q.L., Little J., Liu Y.N., Lunderberg D.M., Martin J.W., McEachran A.D., McLean J.A., Meier C., Meijer J., Menger F., Merino C., Muncke J., Muschket M., Neumann M., Neveu V., Ng K., Oberacher H., O'Brien J., Oswald P., Oswaldova M., Picache J.A., Postigo C., Ramirez N., Reemtsma T., Renaud J., Rostkowski P., Rudel H., Salek R.M., Samanipour S., Scheringer M., Schliebner I., Schulz W., Schulze T., Sengl M., Shoemaker B.A., Sims K., Singer H., Singh R.R., Sumarah M., Thiessen P.A., Thomas K.V., Torres S., Trier X., van Wezel A.P., Vermeulen R.C.H., Vlaanderen J.J., von der Ohe P.C., Wang Z.Y., Williams A.J., Willighagen E.L., Wishart D.S., Zhang J., Thomaidis N.S., Hollender J., Slobodnik J., and Schymanski E.L.
2022, Environmental Sciences Europe
News Article

Six urgent questions to address PFAS

Environmental Science and Technology feature article discusses six urgent questions to be answered to address worldwide per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances’ (PFAS) contamination and health impacts; describes importance, barriers, and ways forward for each question; emphasizes the need for cooperation, increased transparency, consideration of environmental equity; US FDA’s budget request calls for increased investment in addressing PFAS

News Article

OECD report on PFAS alternatives for food packaging

Report by Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) investigates market availability and use of alternatives to per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in paper and board coatings; finds non-fluorinated alternatives available and effective, market uptake primarily limited by increase in price

News Article

Researchers propose Global Plastic Pollution Observation System

Environmental Science and Technology publishes paper proposing the establishment of the Global Plastic Pollution Observation System; would assist evidence-based policymaking by standardizing data collection on plastic pollution in atmospheric, terrestrial, and aquatic ecosystems; serve as “umbrella” by partnering with existing programs and initiatives at multiple scales