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Recent reports on creating more circular food packaging

World Economic Forum (WEF) releases report on the Future of Reusable Consumption Models; aims to clarify “an alternative plastic waste-reduction model… beyond the recycling of waste”; Upstream publishes design principles for reusable packaging materials; The Consumer Goods Forum publishes nine “Golden Design Rules” for plastic packaging to increase recyclability

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Safe and Sustainable by Design: 1st EU stakeholder workshop

European Commission holds workshop with stakeholders to discuss criteria for chemicals that are Safe and Sustainable by Design (SSbD); implementation of EU’s Chemical Strategy for Sustainability (CSS) will depend on clear and implementable criteria for SSbD, amongst other central pillars such as essential use and generic risk assessment

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US FDA and EPA publish requests for information on PFAS

US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) asks for information on the use of fluorinated polyethylene for food contact and dietary exposure due to migration; US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) seeks responses to specific questions to help form PFAS strategic action plan; FDA comment period open until October 18, 2022, and EPA period until August 29, 2022