News Article

Phthalates: impact on leiomyoma growth and mixture risk

Study identifies mono(2-ethyl-5-hydroxyhexyl) phthalate (MEHHP) exposure as high-risk factor for leiomyoma growth on epidemiological and mechanistic level; European biomonitoring of five reprotoxic phthalates demonstrates necessity to integrate mixture risk assessment into regulatory practice; targeted analysis shows migration of five phthalates from polypropylene food packaging

News Article

Consumer perception: the role of eco-labels and innovative packaging

Italian studies investigate consumer perception and attitude; find food- and packaging-related eco-labels to equally signal higher food quality and safety to consumers; demonstrate high willingness of consumers to buy active, intelligent, and sustainable packaging; survey in UK finds adding stickers with clear recycling messages increases recycling behavior

Events 2020 Workshop

Improving the chemical safety of food contact articles: Linking policy-making with scientific research

The 2020 Food Packaging Forum (FPF) Workshop took place virtually on October 21-23, 2020 under the theme “Improving the chemical safety of food contact articles: Linking policy-making with scientific research.” The event featured a range of high profile speakers from different areas of expertise who provided insights into the latest science and policy-making within the field, as well as discussed how these two sides could better interface with one another. The interactive event brought together over 200 registered participants, offering […]

News Article

Survey reveals Asian consumers’ concerns on packaging sustainability

Consultancy McKinsey & Company presents results from survey on consumers’ attitudes towards packaging and concerns around sustainability in ten emerging markets; finds greatest consumer concern in China, India and Indonesia; suggests as first action to decrease packaging complexity, reduce unnecessary packaging, exchange multi- with mono-layer materials

News Article

Properties of rPET-containing bottles

Scientists examine effects of recycled PET (rPET) on bottles’ properties, propose generic model to calculate acceptable rPET content for different scenarios; bottles from mono-collection systems have less particle contamination, more favorable optical properties, lower accumulation of contaminants, and therefore recommended to allow higher recycled content

News Article

Reports highlight reuse benefits and plastics recycling shortcomings

International Pollutants Elimination Network (IPEN) report details current recycling schemes; concludes waste management techniques not “capable of alleviating” the growing plastic pollution crisis; recommends government actions to reduce plastic production; Break Free From Plastic follows up on 215 packaging commitments from top plastic pollution producing companies: 18 projects with no information after press release, few projects lessen plastic production; Upstream compares single-use and reusable service ware for environmental impact and business cost, finds “reuse wins”

News Article

Chemical migration from silicone baking materials

European Consumer Organization (BEUC) finds that chemicals of concern migrate from silicone baking molds sold in Europe, including three siloxanes classified as SVHCs; 23% of 44 products tested release chemical constituents in high (>30 mg/kg) or increasing amounts over time; BEUC calls for stricter EU rules for silicone food contact materials