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Reports highlight reuse benefits and plastics recycling shortcomings

International Pollutants Elimination Network (IPEN) report details current recycling schemes; concludes waste management techniques not “capable of alleviating” the growing plastic pollution crisis; recommends government actions to reduce plastic production; Break Free From Plastic follows up on 215 packaging commitments from top plastic pollution producing companies: 18 projects with no information after press release, few projects lessen plastic production; Upstream compares single-use and reusable service ware for environmental impact and business cost, finds “reuse wins”

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Microplastics can lead to behavioral changes in mice

Scientists find polystyrene microplastics reduce cell viability, translocate in the body, modify mice behavior, and change their liver and brain immune markers after short-term exposure; effects potentially age-dependent; two reviews summarize nano- and microplastic impacts on fertility and potential implications

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New York Governor proposes stricter limits on chemicals in packaging

New York Governor Kathy Hochul proposes limiting PFAS, heavy metals, and phthalates in all packaging to 100 ppm by weight by 2024; also urges extended producer responsibility (EPR) for packaging; at least six other states considering packaging EPR legislation; state-owned or contracted foodservice facilities in California must now use food packaging that is reusable, recyclable, or compostable

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Researchers associate diet and microplastics with EDC exposure

Epidemiological studies investigate association between diet and endocrine-disrupting chemical (EDC) exposure; find recommended healthy diets not protective against EDC exposure; report association of plastic-free diet with reduced urinary bisphenol A (BPA) in children; researchers performing bioaccessibility tests using gut fluids find release of phthalates and BPA from microplastics may pose human health risk

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Chemicals change gut microbiome in children

Study in Environmental Science Technology Letters investigates presence of semi-volatile organic chemicals (SVOCs) and associated changes in microbiome of 79 children with 43 SVOC biomarkers detected; study includes phthalates, phenols, per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS); less abundant microbes replaced due to higher sensitivity to chemicals, increased abundance of dehalogenation bacteria observed; more extensive studies needed to verify results and understand human health implications

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Studying phthalates: Linkage with dietary habits and molecular changes

Biomonitoring finds regular takeaway food consumption increases phthalate exposure; intervention study links plastic packaged hot soup consumption with increased phthalate exposure and changes in mRNA expression of inflammatory cytokines; structural analysis suggests non-phthalate alternative plasticizers have potential for thyroid hormone disruption

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Indonesia updating national regulation on food contact materials

Indonesia’s draft food contact regulation reorganizes material groups; includes positive and negative substance lists, specific and overall migration limits; testing guidance based on food type, contact time, and temperature; public consultation closed in December 2023, final version expected in 2024

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India: Stronger recycled plastic rules after push back, new EPR program

India implements extended producer responsibility (EPR) program for plastic packaging, effective immediately; recycling targets for plastic producers, importers, and brand-owners start at 25% and progressively get stricter; Indian standards authority strengthens regulations for recycled plastic in food contact after receiving pushback