News Article

How to increase the recyclability of paper packaging

Confederation of Paper Industries, publishes guide for packaging designers to increase recyclability of paper products; to improve recycling quality, suggests limiting laminates, coatings, inks, varnishes, and adhesives to no more than 10% of pack weight, aspirational goal of 5%; standard paper mills cannot process much laminate, e.g. coffee cups, cold cups, beverage cartons

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FCM regulatory and waste management updates from South and Southeast Asia

Malaysia proposes revision of allowable uses for eleven chemicals, including seven used in food contact material (FCM) applications; Vietnam’s revised Law on Environmental Protection comes into effect, launches nationwide extended producer responsibility scheme for domestic producers and importers; Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives publishes report that chemical recycling plant in Indonesia, launched by Unilever in 2017, was “secretly shuttered” after two years; Sri Lanka proposes plastic pellets be classified as dangerous goods during maritime shipping

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Beyond Plastics report provides overview and critiques of bioplastics

Report by Beyond Plastics introduces terminology, current regulations and certifications, data on toxicity, waste management options, and considerations for policymakers; criticizes voluntary standards overseen by industry groups; notes bioplastics can be just as toxic as conventional plastics; offers guidance and checklist for businesses to ask suppliers

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Studies examine phthalate migration from PVC films and adhesives

Recent articles in scientific journals analyze plastic packaging and adhesive materials used in contact with food for phthalate content and migration; polyvinyl chloride (PVC) cling films and adhesive labels are source of phthalate contamination to food; food characteristics, e.g., structure of fruit peel, lipid content, influence migration level; recommend avoiding direct food contact to labels, minimizing exposure time

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EDQM guide on European paper and board FCM regulations

The European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines and Healthcare (EDQM) publishes “technical guidance relating to the requirements, compliance testing and supporting documentation for paper and board materials” used in food contact materials and articles; includes overview of European FCM regulations, aims to harmonize paper and board regulation; provides instructions to test compliance, detect recycled materials, prepare supporting documentation