News Article

Unknowns about drinking water pipes

Ensia article informs about plastic water piping material PEX; discusses what is known and unknown about the material’s composition and what leaches out into water

News Article

Oligomer migration from PET and Tritan™

Scientists find cyclic polyethylene terephthalate (PET) oligomers migrate into fatty food simulants but not olive oil; levels higher from recycled compared to virgin PET; comprehensive extraction and migration experiments of Tritan™ products find oligomer migration from bottles of no toxicological concern but microwaveable containers were non-suitable for food heating

News Article

FPF comments on EU’s broad PFAS restriction proposal

The Food Packaging Forum (FPF) provides the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) scientific information on per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in food contact materials (FCMs) ahead of Risk Assessment Committee meeting; emphasizes concerns about PFAS’ persistence as a multiplier of toxicity; provides data on PFAS detected in and migrating from FCMs

News Article

Aggregate exposure assessment for BPA

Scientists discuss aggregate exposure assessment for bisphenol A; source-to-dose (forward) and biomonitoring-based (backward) calculation resulted in similar estimates; 90% of exposure comes from diet and the remaining 10% mainly from dermal exposure