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2019 Chemical Footprint Project survey results

Survey reports an increase in participation to 31 businesses, improved chemicals management score from 53 to 67%; 209’000 metric tons hazardous chemicals removed from businesses over past four years

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Flame retardants above regulatory limits in some ‘eco-friendly’ baking papers

Study of bio-based food contact articles made of sugarcane bagasse or cellulose wood pulp labelled “natural”, “compostable”, or “biodegradable” finds PFAS and organophosphate esters (OPEs), a type of flame retardant and plasticizer; concentrations highest in baking papers; though purchased in Italy, some OPEs above EU regulatory concentration limit of 0.01 mg/kg

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Polystyrene loophole criticized in EU Single Use Plastics Directive

Perspective article highlights extruded polystyrene loophole in the EU’s Single Use Plastics Directive (SUP); SUP bans expanded polystyrene for single-use applications but not structurally similar extruded polystyrene; manufacturers and retailers can switch to alternate material with little net change to hazard or pollution potential

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2021 FPF Workshop: Tools to prioritize societal health

On the third day of the Food Packaging Forum’s annual workshop, speakers discuss the new Understanding Packaging Scorecard that helps improve packaging procurement decision making, how regulators assess food packaging in the lab and on the market, new projects investigating plastics, and how understanding game theory in group decision making can lead to societal benefits

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Studies discuss EDC sources, exposure, and human health effects

Scientific studies investigate human endocrine-disrupting chemical (EDC) exposures and effects; Canadian study finds bisphenols migrate from baby bottles and sippy cups; reviews report of widespread presence of bisphenols, parabens, and benzophenones in human breast milk and addresses current misunderstandings about the impacts of EDCs on child health

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Mapping microplastics in the male reproductive system

Study provides an in-depth look at microplastics in the male reproductive system, analyzes human and mouse samples to chart concentrations and polymer types; finds microplastics in all human testes samples and majority of semen samples; larger plastic particles may get trapped in testis, leading to higher concentrations; identifies correlation between urbanization, home-cooked meals, and body scrub used to microplastics concentration