News Article

What’s new in bioplastics?

12th annual European Bioplastics conference discusses food brand owners’ use of bioplastics, biodegradable solutions for multilayer food packaging, and production of new polymer PEF

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ILSI Europe webinar on key food packaging concepts

European branch of International Life Sciences Institute (ISLI) to hold webinar on June 12, 2020 exploring the balance of food packaging functionality and convenience with safety and sustainability

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EEA publishes web briefing on PFAS

New European Environment Agency (EEA) briefing summarizes known and potential risks posed by per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS); warns that assessing such a large number of substances is time consuming and may lead to widespread and irreversible pollution

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FDA report on nanotechnology

US Food and Drug Administration reports on advancements in the field of nanotechnology, its role in advancing public health through better regulation; focus on interdisciplinary collaborations and regulatory science research