News Article

Measures to limit chemical migration from recycled paperboard

Review identifies and discusses three approaches to limit chemical migration from recycled paperboard to make it acceptable for food applications; considers internal bags with an incorporated barrier, barrier layers, and functional sorbents added to the board; study on migration from paper cups identifies exposures to vanadium and fluoride

News Article

EFSA updates HBCDDs risk assessment

European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) publishes update on risk assessment of hexabromocyclododecanes (HBCDDs); results support conclusion that dietary exposure in EU not a health concern except for breastfed children; panel will consider mixture approach once risk assessments of all groups of brominated flame retardants (BFRs) updated

News Article

Washington state publishes PFAS action plan

Department of Ecology (DoE) for US state of Washington publishes final PFAS chemical action plan; outlines recommendations to reduce impacts of PFAS on public and environmental health; focuses on consumer products, drinking water, waste streams, environmental concentrations

News Article

Blueprint offers vision for US recycling sector

Recycling Leadership Council releases recycling blueprint, identifies role of US federal government in modernizing and standardizing recycling system; suggests three areas for political action: clearer data collection and reporting, nationwide standards and definitions, targeted investments in the recycling sector

News Article

Study finds plant-based straws containing PFAS

Article published in peer-reviewed journal Chemosphere analyzes biodegradable paper straws for presence of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS); tests 38 products, finds PFAS in 36, most frequently detects perfluorobutanoic acid, perfluorooctanoic acid and perfluorohexanoic acid; challenges claim of biodegradability of plant-based straws

News Article

More information, transparency needed to phase-out PFAS

Study by Global PFAS Science Panel finds lack of information, transparency, and stakeholder coordination hindering phase-out of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS); Green Science Policy Institute publishes repository linking to 75 databases on PFAS

Events 2021 Workshop

Different perspectives on food contact materials: Working together to make FCMs safer

The 2021 Food Packaging Forum (FPF) Workshop took place online in a virtual format on October 6-8, 2021, under the theme “Different perspectives on food contact materials: working together to make FCMs safer.” The event featured a range of high-profile speakers from different areas of expertise and provided insights into the latest science and policy-making within the field, as well as discussed how stakeholders can better work together to make food contact materials (FCMs) safer for everyone. Over 150 registered participants joined […]