News Article

Developing the science-policy panel on chemicals and pollution

National delegations meet in Thailand to discuss the objectives and responsibilities of the new science-policy panel on chemicals, waste, and pollution prevention; in run up to the meeting group of chemical pollution scientists publish article highlighting ten aspects for delegates to consider; non-profit academic organization International Panel on Chemical Pollution hosts webinar on conflicts of interest in chemicals and waste governance

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Microplastics detected in human testis and semen

Scientists assess microplastics in 30 human semen and 6 testis samples; first to demonstrate presence in human male reproductive system; review finds 9 out of 11 studies demonstrate that plastic particles can translocated across placental barrier

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Testing finds antimony in common beverages bottled in PET

Study carried out by Defend Our Health detects antimony above safe levels in 40% of tested beverages sold in PET bottles; antimony widely used as a catalyst to produce PET; calls on manufacturers to switch to widely available safer chemical alternatives, address the numerous hazardous substances that can migrate from plastics into food, chemical pollution in communities surrounding production sites

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Chemical migration into coffee, canned vegetables, and Indian curd

Three research studies investigate the occurrence of chemicals in food packaging and migration into food; find average of 330 µg oligoesters migrating from cans per kg drained vegetables; report most extractable chemicals from low-density polyethylene Dahi curd packaging not included in India’s positive list; detect low levels of phthalic acid esters in coffee obtained from single-use capsules

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UN publishes Plastics Treaty zero draft

The «zero draft» is a starting point for discussion and amendments ahead of November’s Plastics Treaty negotiation in Kenya; each proposed treaty element includes options of varying ambition; Part II focuses on elements of plastics’ life cycle, including chemicals and polymers of concern; Option 1 imposes strict limitations, Option 2 mandates minimal usage, Option 3 leaves it to national action plans; Annex A provides potential criteria for determining chemicals and polymers of concern, along with options for development and usage within the Treaty