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Recommendations for a circular chemical economy

Paper in Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering analyzes sources of chemical losses throughout the chemical life cycle, suggests approaches to improve chemical circularity; losses include fugitive emissions in manufacturing, dissipation in field use, impurities and regulatory incompatibility interfering with recycling; propose two changes to chemical assessments to guide sustainable production and use

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CVORR analysis: Bio-based vs. conventional plastics

Scientists compile matrix to compare the sustainability impacts of fossil carbon-based with bio-based plastics in the food packaging value chain; apply Complex Value Optimization for Resource Recovery (CVORR) base-line analysis, social, economic, environmental, technical metrics; study highlights knowledge gaps; discusses land-use change, chemical migration, eco-labels, biodegradability standards

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Studies confirm hazardous substances in bio-based food contact materials

Three recent studies explore the chemical safety of bio-based food contact materials (FCMs); current analytical methods fail to detect all hazardous substances in bio-based FCMs, in vitro bioassays are suitable addition; Dutch «eco-friendly» FCMs often contain non-biodegradable components and substances like pesticides and PFAS; migration of allergens found

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Stakeholders discuss global plastic treaty

Friends of Europe hosts online debate bringing together stakeholder groups from industry, regulatory agencies, and NGOs; considers how to achieve a circular plastics economy, discusses the necessity of a global plastic treaty, prevention of plastic waste trade and illegal waste dumping, extended producer responsibility schemes (EPRs), need for unified EU plastic waste market; discussions build on report by European Environment Agency, case study by Zero Waste Europe and report by Ellen MacArthur Foundation

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EFSA stakeholder workshop on small particles and nanoparticles in food

European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) presentations provide guidance on small particles in food and feed applications (i) evaluating the potential presence of particles in ‘conventional’ materials and (ii) how to perform nano-specific risk assessment; stakeholders share experience and discuss practices to implement guidance cost-effectively

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NIAS migration from plastic wine corks

Scientific study uses non-targeted chemical analysis to provide an overview of chemicals migrating from 8 wine corks made of ethylene-vinyl acetate; identifies 50 compounds, 84% non-intentionally added substances (NIAS); finds one cork not suitable as food contact material