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Compostable bioplastic coffee cups

UK company develops disposable bio-based coffee cups and lids; recyclable in paper waste stream or fully compostable within 3 months under appropriate conditions

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Fresenius Conference on EDCs

Fresenius Academy holds 7th International Conference on EDCs; UK regulatory representative and pesticide industry call for inclusion of ‘potency perspective’ in EDC identification criteria; most other country representatives and NGOs in favor of hazard-based identification

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Contaminants migrate from pipes into drinking water worldwide

Review summarizes the scientific knowledge on five groups of contaminants migrating from drinking water distribution systems into tap water; reports microplastics, bisphenol A (BPA), phthalates, nonylphenol (NP), per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) detected in tap water and may stem from pipes and reservoirs; finds pipe material type largely influences contaminant migration

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Consumers perceive compostable packaging as most sustainable, report says

McKinsey report investigates consumers’ attitudes toward sustainability in food packaging; finds hygiene & food safety, as well as shelf life are most important aspects to consumers; consumers think compostable and plant-based packaging is the most sustainable, metal containers among least sustainable

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Washington State regulating chemicals of concern in food packaging

US state of Washington Department of Ecology publishes reports on phenolic compounds (e.g. bisphenols) and PFAS in certain food packaging types triggering countdown until new restrictions; phenolic compounds in drink can coatings to be restricted beginning June 2023; PFAS to be banned in bags and sleeves, bowls, flat serviceware, open-top containers, and closed containers by May 2024