News Article

Studies discuss EDC sources, exposure, and human health effects

Scientific studies investigate human endocrine-disrupting chemical (EDC) exposures and effects; Canadian study finds bisphenols migrate from baby bottles and sippy cups; reviews report of widespread presence of bisphenols, parabens, and benzophenones in human breast milk and addresses current misunderstandings about the impacts of EDCs on child health

News Article

FCCmigex database updated

The Food Packaging Forum updates Database on Migrating and Extractable Food Contact Chemicals (FCCmigex); encompasses 149 additional studies with more than 4600 new entries

News Article

How the Scientists’ Coalition brings independent science to policymakers

A perspective article explains why the Scientists’ Coalition for an Effective Plastic Treaty was formed and how it works; the Scientists’ Coalition employs a multi-faceted communication approach including a media strategy to reach all relevant stakeholders; member scientists must declare any conflicts of interests and publish peer-reviewed research related to plastic pollution

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Deciphering the differences in plastic particles reported in foods

Two studies investigate micro- and nanoplastics measured in foods; review the range of reported values and diversity of study methods; make suggestions to standardize research methodologies; one study outlines additional standards the micro – nanoplastics research community needs to develop in order to assist regulators

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Studies investigate impacts of EDC exposure during pregnancy

Five studies examine effects following exposure to endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) during pregnancy; report association between bisphenol A (BPA) exposure and preterm birth and decreased gestational age, especially upon exposure in third trimester of pregnancy; find contradicting results on fetal growth impacts from BPA; intake of synthetic progesterone by pregnant women found to double cancer risk of their offspring; propylparaben exposure found to alter mammary gland structure in mice