Events 2016 Workshop

Modern science to inform regulation of food contact materials in the circular economy

The 2016 annual Food Packaging Forum (FPF) workshop took a closer look at “Modern science to inform regulation of food contact materials in the circular economy.” Our fourth workshop followed the unique concept of previous FPF workshops in its cross-thematic, cross-stakeholder approach. We brought together experts from different perspectives and backgrounds—from academic scientist to business decision maker, from regulator to retailer, from consumer advocate to food manufacturer. FPF workshops are one of a kind, because we create the optimal environment for […]

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Commentary on microplastics as a vector for chemical transport

Scientists respond to perspective article providing clarifications on plastic-driven long-range environmental transport (LRET) of chemical additives; discuss nine shortcomings of the perspective; suggest omitting the perspective article in discussions on plastic debris-associated LRET of additives

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Uptake of microplastics on the rise – especially in Southeast Asia

Recent studies explore uptake pathways of microplastics; uptake has increased in recent years; rapidly industrializing Southeast Asian countries more impacted; food packaging responsible for approx. 2.98 × 103 microplastics/person/year; higher exposure for regular consumers of bottled water, tea brewed from plastic tea bags, or ultrafiltered milk

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Earth Action report assesses leakage of plastic additives into the environment

Earth Action (EA) publishes report quantifying plastic additives leaking into the environment; estimates more than 6,000,000 tons of additives leak into the environment annually by applying a mathematical modeling approach; briefing paper assesses environmental and human health impacts of plastic additives and discusses ways forward

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Reviews examine biobased polymers

Several recent reviews examine the value chain of biobased polymers; discuss clarification of terms such as biobased, degradable, biodegradable, and compostable; define “biotechnological recycling (bio-recycling)” as the use of enzymes and microorganisms in a technological setting to biodegrade polymers; three biodegradable polymers assessed in marine field trials