News Article

Plastics identified as source of legal liability

Minderoo Foundation finds liabilities from the health and environmental effects of microplastics and plastic-related chemicals to be worth more than $20 billion in the US by 2030; potentially up to $100 billion in liabilities expected by 2030 with the number expected to increase in the future; article published by the American Bar Association focuses on potential corporate liabilities from micro- and nanoplastics in particular

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Microplastics impacts on the reproductive system and offspring

Scientists report human-relevant polystyrene (PS) microplastic concentrations change mice placental metabolism; show nanoplastics have variable effects on placental enzymes using simulations; find pre- and postnatal PS microplastic exposure affects male mice testis development and fertility; recommend future research to analyze multigenerational effects

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PFAS under mounting scrutiny in Europe, US

European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) publishes long-awaited PFAS restriction proposal; includes blanket ban of all PFAS in Europe with two restriction timelines – all at once or in phases by use case; concludes PFAS in nearly all food contact and packaging applications have ‘high substitution potential’; NGO ChemSec adds 370 PFAS to SIN List; at least 28 US states expected to consider PFAS-related policy this year

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More eco-friendly takeaway containers

Bangkok Post informs about a community campaign encouraging food vendors in Bangkok to use bio-based, biodegradable food containers instead of styrofoam and other plastic packaging

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Flexible plastic packaging expected to grow

Market research by the Association for Packaging and Processing Technologies (PMMI) estimates 3,271 billion packaging units sold in 2018, led by flexible plastics and PET bottles; expects both material types to also see greatest increases by 2023