News Article

US state policies on PFAS in food contact, Q3 and Q4 2023

Maine and Minnesota consult on draft policies concerning bans or reporting requirements on per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in food contact materials and articles; California Attorney General warns companies of penalties for selling or failing to disclose PFAS-containing food packaging and cookware; Nevada governor vetoes PFAS bill, state senator plans to reintroduce bill in 2024

News Article

Scientists emphasize importance for LCAs to consider plastic particle impacts

Review provides understanding of how knowledge gaps on long-term plastic particle fate affect life-cycle assessments (LCAs) and distort policy decisions; exemplifies discussion comparing a fossil-based with a biodegradable plastic; highlights importance of covering plastic particle impacts and its unknowns transparently in LCAs to allow reliable material comparisons and responsible decision making

News Article

Rare earth elements found in FCMs, recycled plastics

Researchers at University of Plymouth find rare earth elements in 24 of 31 tested products including children’s toys, food contact materials (FCMs); highest abundance in plastic recycled from electronic waste; authors suggest plastic recycling process as source for contamination; suggest elements as indicators for presence of other additives such as brominated flame retardants