News Article

European Parliament prepares FCM report

Members of the European Parliament’s ENVI Committee vote in favor of draft report recommending improvements to FCM regulations; CHEM Trust blog reviews report; final vote scheduled for October 2016

News Article

Updated dossier on NIAS

FPF publishes 2nd edition of NIAS dossier and updated summary article, including new examples of non-intentionally added substances and risk assessment concepts; German translation of dossier available

News Article

EFSA working group updates in March 2020

Minutes from recent meetings of the EFSA CEP panel and working groups on bisphenol A, FCMs, and recycling plastics published; 13th CEP Panel plenary meeting on April 28-30, 2020 open to observers, registration open until April 24


2013 Business Lunch

«Sustainable development and green chemistry» lunch in Zurich with the author of Our Stolen Future, Dr. John Peterson Myers