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Stakeholders discuss global plastic treaty

Friends of Europe hosts online debate bringing together stakeholder groups from industry, regulatory agencies, and NGOs; considers how to achieve a circular plastics economy, discusses the necessity of a global plastic treaty, prevention of plastic waste trade and illegal waste dumping, extended producer responsibility schemes (EPRs), need for unified EU plastic waste market; discussions build on report by European Environment Agency, case study by Zero Waste Europe and report by Ellen MacArthur Foundation

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Updated risk assessment highlights the need for stricter regulation on MOH in food

European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) updates risk assessment on mineral oil hydrocarbons (MOH) in food; highest MOH levels found in vegetable oils; notes that data gaps exist, especially in mineral oil aromatic hydrocarbons (MOAH) impact on toddlers; “extremely likely” that dietary exposure to MOAH is a concern for toddlers; EFSA recommendations aim to guide EU policy on allowable MOH levels in food

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FPF comment: US EPA expansion of Safer Choice program

Food Packaging Forum (FPF) submits comment to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on the potential expansion of the agency’s Safer Choice and Design for Environment programs into new sectors; FPF encourages EPA to consider food contact materials; shares resources about chemicals of concern in food contact

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DG Sante webinar on BPA restriction in food contact

Directorate General for Health and Food Safety (DG Sante) explains the ban of bisphenol A in food contact materials in the EU and discusses what comes next; ban will only affect “intentional use”; comes into force late 2025 or early 2026

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Testing finds antimony in common beverages bottled in PET

Study carried out by Defend Our Health detects antimony above safe levels in 40% of tested beverages sold in PET bottles; antimony widely used as a catalyst to produce PET; calls on manufacturers to switch to widely available safer chemical alternatives, address the numerous hazardous substances that can migrate from plastics into food, chemical pollution in communities surrounding production sites

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Consumer perception: the role of eco-labels and innovative packaging

Italian studies investigate consumer perception and attitude; find food- and packaging-related eco-labels to equally signal higher food quality and safety to consumers; demonstrate high willingness of consumers to buy active, intelligent, and sustainable packaging; survey in UK finds adding stickers with clear recycling messages increases recycling behavior

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Substitution means innovation

New report by non-profit organization ChemSec shows that regulating and substituting hazardous chemicals promotes innovation, safer and better products, and overall economic benefits

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Edible six-pack rings

U.S. companies develop six-pack rings for beer cans made from barley and wheat; claim product is biodegradable, compostable and edible for humans and wildlife