News Article

Report critically reviews brands’ plastics commitments

New report by the Changing Markets Foundation investigates commitments on plastic packaging made by largest food and consumer goods companies; criticizes consistently failed promises, sees voluntary initiatives as tactics to distract from and avoid responsibility

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BfR: 17th Meeting on contaminants in food chain

German Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) publishes meeting minutes of its commission for contaminants in the food chain; discusses PFASs and mineral oil hydrocarbons

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BPA and PVC in U.S. food can coatings

New survey of food cans purchased from 4 U.S. retailers finds 33-52% to still contain bisphenol A, 17-25% contain polyvinylchloride; NGOs call on retailers and food brands to remove BPA and ensure safety of alternatives

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Edible label to reduce food packaging

Project with the University of Sunderland develops edible label that can be applied directly to foods and provides scannable code for users to access further information; aims to reduce need for additional packaging

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Assessing the circularity of single-use glass

Zero Waste Europe and Eunomia investigate the circularity of single-use container glass in Germany, France, the UK and US; Germany has the highest collection rates for glass and the highest proportion of recycled glass in containers; US is the lowest due to lack of collection facilities and mixed collection of glass with other packaging types; collecting glass separately and by color is the most effective way to increase circularity