News Article

Associations report European packaging recycling rates

Industry associations report recycling rates of packaging materials in Europe; average collection rate of glass bottles and jars hit 80% in 2020; paper packaging recycling over 80%; paper recycling rates close to theoretical maximum; plastic recycling has not increased despite increased demand by beverage companies; two-thirds of plastic-packaging pledges in Europe failed, supporting the change away from single-use likely necessary

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Reusable food packaging and novel coronavirus

UPSTREAM encourages consumers to continue using reusable items with regular washing using soap, expects zero-waste efforts and bring-your-own container programs to further gain momentum after pandemic ends; expanded business models needed to promote sanitizing and reusing packaging

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FPF comment: Canadian pollution prevention notice for plastic food packaging

Food Packaging Forum (FPF) submits comment to Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) on the development of a pollution prevention planning notice for food plastic packaging; FPF highlights aspects of chemical safety and circularity for ECCC to consider; primarily (i) chemical migration, (ii) supporting safe reuse, and (iii) standards for compostable materials

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DG Sante webinar on BPA restriction in food contact

Directorate General for Health and Food Safety (DG Sante) explains the ban of bisphenol A in food contact materials in the EU and discusses what comes next; ban will only affect “intentional use”; comes into force late 2025 or early 2026