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Food packaging identified as primary source of aquatic litter

Nature Sustainability publishes research integrating litter inventories from seven aquatic environments around the globe; finds food packaging makes up the largest share of litter in all aquatic environments (50-88%), except the open ocean; of 112 litter types, 10 make up 75% of litter; top 4 items come from food packaging (44% of total): plastic bags, plastic bottles, food containers, cutlery, and wrappers

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Investment in fossil-based single-use plastics continues to grow

Minderoo Foundation publishes second Plastic Waste Makers Index; highlights top 20 companies responsible for producing the polymers to make single-use plastics; finds virgin plastic production increased 15 times more than recycled in two years; 1kg more single-use plastic produced per person on the planet; cradle-to-grave greenhouse gas emissions from single-use plastics in 2021 roughly equivalent to that of the UK

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Survey gauges consumers’ interest in recyclable packaging

Boston Consulting Group survey interviews 15,000 consumers across Europe, North America, South America; finds consumer environmental awareness and preference for recyclable packaging unaffected by pandemic, young consumers willing to pay more for sustainable packaging, miseducation exists about real recycling rates

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US EPA extends comment period on PFAS reporting requirements

The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) extends comment period for proposed reporting and recordkeeping requirements for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS); would require manufacturers that produced PFAS at anytime since 2011 to make a one-time report with information about uses, production volumes, disposal, exposures, and hazards; comments accepted until September 27, 2021

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US lawmakers introduce new bill to ban PFAS in food packaging

Keep Food Containers Safe from PFAS act would disallow the sale of any food packaging intentionally containing per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) beginning on January 1, 2024; this most recent attempt by US lawmakers to address PFAS on a national level would now need to be approved by both the US House and Senate chambers