News Article

Amendment to EU plastic FCM regulation

European Commission publishes 6th amendment to plastic FCM regulation; changes for 6 substances and inclusion of 10 new substances in Union List; new specific migration limits for aluminum and zinc; food simulants and compliance testing specified

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2nd plastics recycling show

Plastics Recyclers Europe hosts 2018 Plastics Recycling Show Europe, a pan-European exhibition and conference for plastics recycling experts, on April 24-25, 2018 in Amsterdam

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Survey: packaging importance grows for brands

L.E.K Consulting conducts survey among 250 brand owners of packaged consumer goods; 75% expect to increase spending on packaging this year, expand focus on biodegradable, recycled, or compostable materials

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China approves expanded usage for two FCMs

China sets new limits for 2 food contact materials; polyethylene can be added at 0.3% to polyoxymethylene (POM); carboxy styrene-butadiene latex can be added to pressure-sensitive adhesives used in indirect food contact