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Thailand introduces standard for fluoropolymer coated cooking utensils

Thai Industrial Standards Institute publishes updated standard for metal, fluoropolymer coated utensils in contact with hot foods; standard borrows from EU overall migration test methods for plastic materials and ISO standards; comes into force April 2, 2023; Thai ministries introduce tax incentive to reduce fossil-plastic use

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Questions surround French deposit scheme

Pending introduction of a deposit-return scheme for bottles in France raising questions by stakeholders; applicable materials, functioning, and cost distributions not yet clear

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Bioplastics made from fructose

Companies DuPont and Archer Daniels Midland develop chemical process to convert fructose into building block for biobased packaging polymers

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FDA denies hearing on perchlorate

U.S. Food and Drug Administration rejects request by nine NGOs to hold a public hearing challenging earlier decision on perchlorate in food packaging; requestors now considering legal options