News Article

Studies investigate plastic packaging use, EDCs, and reproductive health

Recent research articles look at relationship between endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) from packaging and human reproductive health; find no relationship between a woman’s reported use of plastic food packaging and pregnancy duration and birthweight; identify potential non-monotonic dose-response relationship between di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP) exposure and woman’s reported infertility

News Article

Final rule on GRAS

U.S. Food and Drug Administration issues final rule on food ingredients ‘generally recognized as safe’; specifies requirements for scientific evidence; notification remains voluntary

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FDA sued over GRAS program

NGO sues FDA over GRAS notification process, success would force FDA to revert back to pre-1997 rules

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NIAS in laminated bioplastics

Study investigates composition of biodegradable adhesive and chemical migration from bioplastics laminates, identifies several NIAS, shows importance for migration testing of finished material