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Reproducibility of science

Nature publishes survey on reproducibility of scientific experiments; researchers recognize issue of irreproducibility in science, yet remain confident in accuracy of scientific publications

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Disposable plastic items banned in Dehli

Cutlery, bags, cups, and other single-use plastic items banned in Dehli, India by National Green Tribunal; ban sparked by concern over air and ocean pollution

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Plastics value chain stakeholders sign declaration

Over 100 stakeholders commit to reaching target to annually use 10 million tons of recycled plastics in new products in Europe by 2025; Coca-Cola executive discusses need for a call to action within the industry; ACC publishes infographic on chemical recycling

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Concerns over EU’s ability to meet set recycling targets

European Court of Auditors reviews EU response to growing plastic waste and regulation enacted to address it; warns EU member states not to underestimate challenge of achieving 50% recycling rate by 2025; new reporting rules, restrictions on plastic waste exports set to lower current recycling rates